Formats/SSXTricky:MPF(PS2 Model): Difference between revisions

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m (GlitcherOG moved page Formats/SSXTricky:MPF(Model) to Formats/SSXTricky:MPF(PS2 Model): Named Incorrectly)
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|Unknown (Always -1)
===== Bone Weight Header =====
{| class="wikitable"
| Offset | Type   | Description                | Key | Rel |
| 0x00   | UInt32 | Length of array/list       |     |     |
|Length of array/list
| 0x04   | UInt32 | Offset to Bone weight list |     |     |
|Offset to Bone weight list
| 0x08   | UInt32 | Unknown                    |     |     |
|Unknown (Always 36)
===== Bone Weight =====
{| class="wikitable"
| Offset | Type   | Description            | Key | Rel |
|Bone weight (0 to 100)
|Bone ID
|Bone Internal File ID
==== <u>Weight List Ref</u> ====
{| class="wikitable"
|Weight Reference Count
|Weight Reference Offset
|Int32 List
==== <u>Mesh Data</u> ====
| 0x00   | UInt16 | Bone weight (0 to 100) |     |     |
Bytes[48] Unimportant Data for Exporting
{| class="wikitable"
|Strip Count
|Unknown1 (Seems to have some relation to Normals)
|Vertex Count
| 0x02   | UInt8  | Bone ID                |     |     |
| 0x03   | UInt8  | Unknown                |     |     |
- **Triangle Strip Count Row**
==== <u>Number List Ref</u> ====
The amount of triangle strip rows can be found inside Mesh Info Row 2
===== Number List Ref Header =====
| Offset | Type   | Description                 | Key | Rel |
_First type is assumed to be either UInt32 or Byte_
| 0x00   | UInt32 | Sub  Number List Ref Count  |     |     |
| 0x04   | UInt32 | Sub  Number List Ref Offset |     |     |
===== Sub Number List Ref =====
| Offset | Type   | Description            | Key | Rel |
|        | UInt16 | Unknown                |     |     |
|        | UInt16 | Unknown2               |     |     |
<nowiki>##</nowiki> Mesh Data
| Offset | Type      | Description                                                                                                     | Key |
|        | List      | List of Triangle Strip Count Rows                                                                               |     |
- **Triangle Strip Count Row**
The amount of triangle strip rows can be found inside Mesh Info Row 2 <nowiki><br></nowiki>
_First type is assumed to be either UInt32 or Byte_
| Type      | Description                             |