Formats/SSXTricky:MPF(PS2 Model): Difference between revisions

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|XYZ Radian Rotation of the bone
|Vector 3 (3 FloFloat32s)
|XYZ Radian 2
|}boots stick on
|6 Float32s
|6 Floats either being -1 or 1
==== <u>IK Points</u> ====
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===== Group Main Header =====
{| class="wikitable"
|Mesh Group Count
| Offset | Type    | Description          | Key | Rel |
|-------- |-------- |---------------------- |----- |----- |
| 0x00    | UInt32 | Mesh Group Offset |      |      |
| 0x04    | UInt32 | Mesh Group Count      |      |      |
==== Mesh/Morph Data Group ====
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