
Revision as of 00:57, 24 December 2022 by GlitcherOG (talk | contribs)

RefPack is a LZSS-like compression algorithm written by Frank Barchard, and used in many EA file formats.

Refpack Implementation

Refpack handler C# by GlitcherOG

RefPack C++ by modeco80

Refpack Rust Implementation

Refpack C# Implementation by Gibbed

Refpack Python Big Extraction by SSX Mapper

Original Refpack C++ Implementation

File Overview


RefPack often manifests itself starting with a magic `0x10FB`

Byte Meaning
`0x10` Flags
`0xFB` Frank Barchard.

The Uint24 after this magic contains the decompressed size. After this is the LZSS bitstream.

Bitstream Documentation

Coming Soon!

Quit bugging me!