
Revision as of 10:43, 28 October 2022 by GlitcherOG (talk | contribs) (Pasted in SSH Research Data)
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EA's SSH Texture Files

Magic words

???? SHPS (SSX, SSX Tricky, SSX 3)
???? ShpS (SSX On Tour)



Type Description
UInt32 SSH File Size
UInt32 Texture Count
Char[4] Gimex Version/Creator Code

Texture Entries

| Type    |   Description  |


| Char[4] | Short Name     |

| UInt32  | Offset         |

Header End

| Type   | Description |


| Char[4]| Group      |

| Char[4]| String?    |

Texture Entry

Entry Texture Types

All shape entries start with a header that looks like this:

struct ShapeChunkHeader {

uint8_t chunkType;

uint24_t nextChunk;

// Note that the above isn't a standard type.

// You can probably represent it as a bitfield if you want.

// In layman's terms, if the next chunk offset is 0, then

// it's the end of this shape.

bool IsEndOfShape() {

return nextChunk == 0x0;



| Chunk Type           | Description                  |


| 0x1                  | 4-Bit (16 Colours) Data       |

| 0x2                  | 8-bit (256 Colours) Data      |

| 0x5                  | 32-bit True Color Image       |

| 0x20                 | Palette/CLUT                  |

| 105                  | Metal Bin (Metal Alpha)            |

| 0x70                 | Long/Full Name                |

| 0x85 (`0x5 OR 0x80`)  | 8-bit Data, RefPack Compressed|

If `(type & 0x80) == 1` the data will be compressed with RefPack.

Texture Header

| Type   | Description |


| Byte   | Entry Type  |

| UInt24 | Size        |

| UInt16 | Width       |

| UInt16 | Height      |

| UInt16 | XAxis       |

| UInt16 | YAxis       |

| UInt16 | Swizzled    |

| UInt16 | Unknown     |

The data following this header can be:

| Image Type | Data Type                       |


| 4-bit      | 4-bit indexes into Palette/CLUT |

| 8-bit      | 8-bit indexes into Palette/CLUT |

| 32-bit     | BGRA8888 Direct Colors          |

Colour Pallet Header

| Type   | Description |


| Byte   | Entry Type  |

| UInt24 | Size        |

| UInt16 | Width       |

| UInt16 | Height      |

| UInt16 | Total       |

| UInt16 | Unknown     |

| UInt16 | Swizzled    |

| UInt16 | Unknown     |

After the header is *Width* count BGRA8888 colors.

Long Name Header

| Type     | Description  |


| Byte     | Entry Type   |

| UInt24   | Size         |

| C String | Long Name    |