
From SSX Modding Wiki


EA's SSH Texture Files

Magic words

???? SHPS (SSX, SSX Tricky, SSX 3)
???? ShpS (SSX On Tour)



Type Description
UInt32 SSH File Size
UInt32 Texture Count
Char[4] Gimex Version/Creator Code

Texture Entries

Type Description
Char[4] Short Name
UInt32 Offset

Header End

Type Description
Char[4] Group
Char[4] String?

Texture Entry

Entry Texture Types

All shape entries start with a header that looks like this:

struct ShapeChunkHeader {
    uint8_t chunkType;
    uint24_t nextChunk;
    // Note that the above isn't a standard type.
    // You can probably represent it as a bitfield if you want.

    // In layman's terms, if the next chunk offset is 0, then
    // it's the end of this shape.
    bool IsEndOfShape() {
         return nextChunk == 0;
Chunk Type Description
0x1 4-Bit (16 Colours) Data
0x2 8-bit (256 Colours) Data
0x5 32-bit True Color Image
0x20 Palette/CLUT
105 Metal Bin (Metal Alpha)
0x70 Long/Full Name
0x85 (`0x5 OR 0x80`) 8-bit Data, RefPack Compressed

If `(type & 0x80) == 1` (seemingly only used for image data) the data is compressed with RefPack.

Texture Header

Type Description
Byte Entry Type
UInt24 Size
UInt16 Width
UInt16 Height
UInt16 XAxis
UInt16 YAxis
UInt16 Swizzled
UInt16 Unknown

The data following this header can be:

Image Type Data Type
4-bit 4-bit indexes into Palette/CLUT
8-bit 8-bit indexes into Palette/CLUT
32-bit BGRA8888 Direct Colors

Colour Palette Header

(this is the same as the image header, it's just [color count] x 1 sized)

Type Description
Byte Entry Type
UInt24 Size
UInt16 Width
UInt16 Height
UInt16 Total
UInt16 Unknown
UInt16 Swizzled
UInt16 Unknown

After the header is *Width* count BGRA8888 colors used to make up the palette.

Long Name Header

Type Description
Byte Entry Type
UInt24 Size
C String Long Name