Formats/SSXTricky:MPF(PS2 Model): Difference between revisions

From SSX Modding Wiki
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Line 4: Line 4:
Here is the structure made in programming languages for easy code implementation:
Here is the structure made in programming languages for easy code implementation:

- [SSX Tricky mpf C# handler by GlitcherOG](<nowiki></nowiki>)
- [ SSX Tricky MPF C# handler by GlitcherOG]

- [SSX Tricky mpf GO struct by Erick](<nowiki></nowiki>)
- [SSX Tricky mpf GO struct by Erick](<nowiki></nowiki>)
Line 18: Line 18:
|Version ID (Version 8)
|Unknown (Possibly version or magic)
Line 116: Line 116:
|Name/Type of Texture (Unused In PS2)
|Name/Type of Texture (Used To Tell Game If Material Has Gloss **_g)
|Name/Type of Texture (Unused In PS2)
|Name/Type of Texture (Used To Tell Game If The Object uses Environment Reflection envr)
|Flag Factor
|Unknown float value
Line 194: Line 194:
|Sub Group Offset
|Weight Reference Group Offset
|Sub Group Count
|Weight Reference Group Count

==== Sub Group ====
==== Weight Reference Group ====
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Line 252: Line 252:
|Bone weight (0 to 100)
|Bone weight (0 to 100)
|Bone ID
|Bone ID
|Bone Internal File ID
|Bone Internal File ID
Line 292: Line 292:
|Starting Weight Ref ID (Generally Always 14)
Line 354: Line 354:
|Bone Weight Ref ID (In order to get ID you do ???)
|Bone Weight Ref ID (In order to get ID you do (???))

Revision as of 13:22, 22 February 2023


An MPF file contains model names, bones, UV maps, normals, vertices and other model data.

Here is the structure made in programming languages for easy code implementation:

- SSX Tricky MPF C# handler by GlitcherOG

- [SSX Tricky mpf GO struct by Erick](


File Header

Section 0 - Bytes[12]

Type Description
Byte[4] Version ID (Version 8)
UInt16 Model Header Count
UInt16 Offset To Model Headers
UInt32 Offset To Model Data List Start

Model Header

All Offsets Within the file are relative to the start of the Model Data

Type Description
Bytes[16] Name of Model (ASCII string with a max length of 16 bytes)
UInt32  Offset to Model Data which is relative to Model Data List Start Offset
UInt32  Size of model in bytes
UInt32  Offset of **Bone Data List**
UInt32  Offset of **IK Point List**
UInt32  Offset of **Mesh Group Offset**
UInt32  Offset of **Mesh Data**
UInt32  Offset Of **Material Data**
UInt32  Offset of Weight List Reference
UInt32  Offset of Bone Weights
Byte[8]  Unused/Filler
UInt16 Num of Bone Weights
UInt16 Num of Weight List Refrence
UInt16 Num Of Mesh Groups
UInt16 Num Of Bone Data
UInt16 Num Of Materials
UInt16 Num Of IK Points
UInt16 Num Of Morph Keys
UInt16 Internal File ID. This is used in conjunction with weights so that it can access bones within another file
Byte[4] Filler/Padding

Model Data

All Offsets Unless Stated Otherwise are relative to the start of each model data

Material Data

Unused Slots use 0x00202020 as a place holder

Type Description
Bytes[4] Name of Main Texture map/file
Bytes[4] Name/Type of Texture (Unused In PS2)
Bytes[4] Name/Type of Texture (Unused In PS2)
Bytes[4] Name/Type of Texture (Used To Tell Game If Material Has Gloss **_g)
Bytes[4] Name/Type of Texture (Used To Tell Game If The Object uses Environment Reflection envr)
Float32 Flag Factor
Float32  Unknown float value
Float32 Unknown float value

Bone Data

Location and Rotation are relative to parent

Type Description
Bytes[16] Name of Bone (ASCII string with a maximum length of 16 bytes)
UInt16 Internal File ID of Parent Bone(First bone always has 0xFFFF)
UInt16 ID of Parent Bone (First bone always has 0xFFFF)
UInt16 Bone ID (?)
UInt16 Unknown
Vector 3 (3 Float32s) XYZ Position Of the Bone
Vector 3 (3 Float32s) XYZ Radian Rotation of the bone
Vector 3 (3 Float32s) XYZ Radian 2
6 Float32s 6 Floats either being -1 or 1

IK Points

Type Description
Vector 3 (3 Float32s) Location XYZ
UInt32 Unknown (Filler) 

Group Main

Group Main Header
Type Description
UInt32 Group Type (1 Standard, 17 Shadow, 256 Morph)
UInt32 Material ID
UInt32 Unknown (Always -1)
UInt32 Weight Reference Group Offset
UInt32 Weight Reference Group Count

Weight Reference Group

Type Description
UInt32 Mesh Group Offset
UInt32 Mesh Group Count

Mesh/Morph Data Group

Each one of these in order references a Weight Reference and all points within it will use that weight reference

Type Description
UInt32 Model Offset
UInt32 Morph Target Offset Relative to Model Offset
UInt32 Morph Target Entry Size

Bone Weight

Bone Weight Header
Type Description
UInt32 Length of array/list
UInt32 Offset to Bone weight list
UInt32 Unknown (Always 36)
Bone Weight
Type Description
UInt16 Bone weight (0 to 100)
UInt8 Bone ID
UInt8 Bone Internal File ID

Weight List Ref

Type Description
UInt32 Weight Reference Count
UInt32 Weight Reference Offset
Int32 List WeightIDs

Mesh Data

The mesh data within the mpf can be very complex and is chunked meaning there can be multiple data chunks within a Mesh/Morph Data Group

Depending on the group type (Located in the mesh group) can effect what information is in here.

  • If Group Type is Standard there will be UV/Weight Block, Normal Block and, Vertex Block.
  • If Group Type is Shadow There will be Shadow Vertex Block
  • If Group Type is Morph the data will be the same as standard however there will be no data chunking

Bytes[48] Unimportant Data for Exporting

Type Description
UInt32 Strip Count
UInt32 Starting Weight Ref ID (Generally Always 14)
UInt32 Unknown2 (If group type is shadow this will be 0)
UInt32 Vertex Count
Tristrip Data
Type Description
UInt32 Count of vertices
Bytes[12] Padding

UV/Weight Block

Type Description
Bytes[16] Header of UV Block (Hex: 00100000 00100000 00000020 50505050)
Bytes[12] Unknown
Byte  Unknown
Byte Prefix List Start (0x80)
Byte Count of UVs
Byte Suffix of UV count (0x6D)
List of UV value List Of UV/Weights Values

UV value

Type Description
UInt16 UV map U (X translation) (In order to get the float value you do Number / 4096)
UInt16 UV map V (Y translation) (In order to get the float value you do Number / 4096)
UInt16 Bone Weight Ref ID (In order to get ID you do (Number - 14)/4)
Uint16 Bone Weight Ref ID (In order to get ID you do (???))
Normal Block
Type Description
Bytes[16] Header of normal Block (Hex: 00000000 00800000 00000020 40404040)
Bytes[12] Unknown
Byte  Unknown
Byte Prefix List Start (0x80)
Byte Count of Normals
Byte Suffix of Normal count (??)
List of Vector 3 (3 Int16s) List of normals (In order to get the float value you do Number / 4096(???))

Vertex Block

Type Description
Bytes[16] Header of Vertex Block (Hex: 00000000 0000803F 00000020 40404040)
Bytes[12] Unknown
Byte  Unknown
Byte Prefix List Start (0x80)
Byte Count of Vertices
Byte Suffix of Vertex count (0x78)
List of Vector 3 (3 Float32) List Of Vertex values

Shadow Vertex Block

Type Description
Bytes[16] Header of Vertex Block (Hex: 00000000 0000803F 00000020 40404040)
Bytes[12] Unknown
Byte  Unknown
Byte Prefix List Start (0x80)
Byte Count of Vertices
Byte Suffix of Vertex count (??)
List of Shadow Vertex List Of Shadow Vertex values

Shadow Vertex value

Type Description
Vector 3 (3 Float32) Location XYZ
Uint16 Bone Weight Ref ID (In order to get ID you do (Number - 14)/4)